mindmap root((Shortage)) Definition A state or situation in which something needed cannot be obtained in sufficient amounts Word Family Derivatives Short Shorten Compound Words Shortage crisis Shortage problem Collocations Shortage of food Shortage of water Labor shortage Synonyms Deficit Lack Scarcity Antonyms Surplus Abundance Excess Phonetic symbols /ˈʃɔːrtɪdʒ/
mindmap root((Extension)) Definition The action or process of becoming or making something larger A part that is added to something to enlarge or prolong it Word Family Derivatives Extend Extensive Compound Words Extension cord Extension ladder Collocations Extension of time Extension of the deadline Extension of the contract Synonyms Expansion Enlargement Addition Antonyms Reduction Contraction Phonetic symbols /ɪkˈstɛnʃn/
- “She was acing the interview, impressing the panel with her knowledge and confidence.”
这句话的意思是:”她的面试表现得非常好,用她的知识和自信给面试官留下了深刻的印象。” - “After months of practice, he ended up acing the piano recital.”
这句话的意思是:”经过几个月的练习,他的钢琴独奏会表现得非常好。” - “Despite feeling nervous, she ended up acing the test.”
mindmap root((Intelligent)) Definition Having or showing intelligence, especially of a high level Able to vary its state or action in response to varying situations, varying requirements, and past experience Word Family Derivatives Intelligence Intelligently Compound Words Intelligent design Intelligent system Collocations Highly intelligent Intelligent person Intelligent conversation Synonyms Smart Clever Bright Antonyms Stupid Dumb Unintelligent Phonetic symbols /ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt/
以下是一些使用 “intelligent” 的例句:
“She’s a very intelligent student who always asks insightful questions.”(她是个非常聪明的学生,总是会提出一些富有洞察力的问题。)
“Intelligent machines are a key component of modern technology.”(智能机器是现代科技的关键组成部分。)
“Her argument was clear and intelligent.”(她的论据清晰且富有智慧。)
“Having an intelligent conversation with him is always enlightening.”(和他进行深度对话总是能让人豁然开朗。)
“Intelligent systems are crucial for analyzing large amounts of data.”(智能系统对于分析大量数据至关重要。)
“Dogs are highly intelligent animals capable of learning many commands.”(狗是非常聪明的动物,能够学习许多指令。)
“Insightful” 可以用来形容观点、评论、分析、研究等,表示它们提供了非表面层面的富有见解的信息和观察。
“His book provides an insightful analysis of our current economic situation.”
“She made some insightful comments during the meeting.”
“Insightful” 的同义词包括 “perceptive”, “discerning”, “shrewd”, “astute”, “wise”等等,但是每个词都有其特殊的色彩和语境适应性,使用时需要根据具体情况选用。
“Insightful” 这个词由两部分构成:前缀 “in-” + 核心词 “sight” + 后缀 “-ful”。
前缀 “in-” 在此处表示内部,内涵。
核心词 “sight” 意为看,视野。在此表示理解或考虑。
后缀 “-ful” 常常用于形容词,表示充满或具有…特性。
因此,”insightful” 的意思可以理解为充满内在视野或内在理解的,有深度的。通常使用来形容一些深刻的观察、理解或分析。
mindmap root((Extremely)) Definition To a very great degree; very Word Family Derivatives Extremity Compound Words Extremely hot Extremely cold Collocations Extremely difficult Extremely important Extremely useful Synonyms Very Highly Exceptionally Antonyms Slightly Barely Phonetic symbols /ɪkˈstriːmli/
mindmap root((Various)) Definition Different from one another; of different kinds or sorts More than one; individual and distinct Word Family Derivatives Variously Variability Compound Words Various kinds Various types Collocations Various colors Various sizes Various methods Synonyms Different Diverse Multiple Antonyms Same Identical Phonetic symbols /ˈveəriəs/
mindmap root((Involve)) Definition Have or include as a necessary or integral part or result Cause to participate in a situation or activity Word Family Derivatives Involved Involvement Compound Words Involve in Involve with Collocations Involve in a project Involve in a scandal Involve in a task Synonyms Include Entail Engage Antonyms Exclude Omit Phonetic symbols /ɪnˈvɒlv/
mindmap root((Manner)) Definition A way in which a thing is done or happens A person's outward bearing or way of behaving towards others Word Family Derivatives Mannered Mannerism Compound Words Manner of speaking Manner of living Collocations In a manner Manner of doing something Manner of speaking Synonyms Way Style Method Antonyms Disorder Chaos Phonetic symbols /ˈmanə/
“In what manner did they approach the situation?”
“manner” 可以指个人的举止或态度,通常用于形容具体行为方式
例如,”He has good manners.”
mindmap root((Procedure)) Definition An established or official way of doing something A series of actions conducted in a certain order or manner Word Family Derivatives Procedural Procedureless Compound Words Procedure code Procedure room Collocations Follow a procedure Establish a procedure Procedure for doing something Synonyms Process Method Protocol Antonyms Disorganization Disorder Phonetic symbols /prəˈsiːdʒə/
mindmap root((Process)) Definition A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end A natural or involuntary series of changes Word Family Derivatives Processor Processable Compound Words Process control Process management Collocations Process information Process data Process a request Synonyms Procedure Operation Method Antonyms Inaction Stagnation Phonetic symbols /prəˈsiːdʒə/
“Process” ,可以作为名词和动词使用。
当 “process” 作为名词时, 它指的是发生的一系列行动或步骤,这些行动或步骤是为了达到一个特定的结果。
“The process of making bread involves several steps, including kneading the dough and letting it rise.” (制作面包的过程包括几个步骤,比如揉面团和让它发酵。 /raɪz/)
“process” 作为动词时,意思是处理或整理某种东西,或者经过一系列步骤将某物变为另一种形式。例如:
“The factory processes raw materials into finished goods.” (工厂将原材料加工成成品。)
“Process” 的同义词有 “procedure”, “operation”, “method”(作为名词时)和 “handle”, “manage”, “deal with”(作为动词时)。
“Process” 这个单词在英文中非常常用,意思是“过程”、“流程”或者“处理”。
The process of photosynthesis in plants converts carbon dioxide into oxygen.
Applying for a visa can be a long and complicated process.
The manufacturing process involves several stages, including raw material acquisition and assembly.
The company needs to process the data to generate the report.
The bank will process your loan application within a few days.
All incoming emails are processed automatically by the server.
Due process
例句:Everyone has the right to due process of law.
讲解:这里的“due process”指的是在法律框架内进行的公正和适当的程序或步骤。
In process
例句:The project is still in process and will be completed by the end of the month.
讲解:这里的“in process”表示某件事情正在进行中,尚未完成。
mindmap root((Embassy)) Ambassador Diplomacy 外交 Negotiation 谈判 InternationalRelations Country Security 安全 Guard Surveillance
mindmap root((Embassy)) Definition The official residence or offices of an ambassador The staff working in such a building Word Family Derivatives Embassador Embassage Compound Words Embassy official Embassy staff Collocations Work at an embassy Visit an embassy Embassy of a specific country (e.g. Embassy of the United States) Synonyms Consulate High Commission (in Commonwealth countries) Forms Noun(Embassy)
mindmap root((Ambassador)) Definition定义 An official envoy Resides in a foreign country Word Family Derivatives衍生 Ambassadorial Ambassadorship Compound Words复合词 Goodwill Ambassador Brand Ambassador Collocations词组 Serve as ambassador Appoint an ambassador Ambassador to the UN Synonyms同义词 Envoy Emissary Diplomat Forms Noun(Ambassador)
mindmap root((Circumstance)) Definition A fact or condition connected with relevant events or actions The conditions and facts that surround a particular event or situation Word Family Derivatives Circumstantial Compound Words Circumstance Evidence Collocations Under the circumstance Due to circumstances Circumstances change Synonyms Situation Condition Scenario Forms Noun(Circumstance)
"Circumstance" 这个单词的英语发音为 /ˈsɜː.kəm.stəns/ ,主要重音落在第一个音节上,“sir”,类似中文的 “苏”。
记单词的方法有很多种,一种有效的办法是通过联想记忆。"Circumstance" 的词源来自于拉丁词根 "circum-" (表示 "周围")和 "-stance"(表示 "站立")。可以理解为“站在周围的事情”,也就是我们所处的环境、条件,这有助于你记住这个词的意思。
1. **Under normal circumstances, the company holds a weekly meeting to review progress and address any issues.**
- 在正常情况下,公司每周会召开一次会议来检查进展并解决问题。
2. **Due to unforeseen circumstances, the event had to be postponed until further notice.**
- 由于不可预见的情况,活动不得不推迟,具体日期另行通知。
3. **Her resilience in the face of difficult circumstances has been truly inspiring to everyone around her.**
- 她在困难环境下的坚韧不拔,真正鼓舞了她周围的每一个人。
此外,尽可能在实际语境中使用这个词也是记住它的好方法。比如,当你描述你自己的情况,或者讨论影响某个决策的因素时,可以尝试使用 "circumstance" 这个词。
mindmap root((Vulnerable)) Definition Susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm In need of special care, support, or protection Word Family Derivatives Vulnerability Vulnerableness Compound Words Vulnerable species Vulnerable population Collocations Feel vulnerable Make someone vulnerable Vulnerable to attack Synonyms Defenseless Weak Exposed Antonyms Invulnerable Resistant Strong Forms Adjective(Vulnerable)
是一个形容词,源自拉丁语的 “vulnus”,意为 “伤口”。
“vulnerable” 的基本含义是 “易受伤的”,”易受攻击的”,或者 “易受影响的”。这个词可以用来描述人、地方、物体或者情况。
“He felt vulnerable after his divorce”(他离婚后感到非常脆弱)。在这个例子中,“vulnerable”被用来描述一个人在经历困难和负能量后的易受伤害的情况。
“The city is vulnerable to flooding because it’s below sea level.”(这个城市位于海平面以下,容易遭受洪水侵袭。)
描绘情感状态时,也可以使用这个词,比如:”He felt vulnerable after sharing his deepest secrets.”(分享了他最深的秘密后,他感觉自己很脆弱。)
“vulnerable” 的中文近义词,我们可以使用 “脆弱的”,”易受伤的”,”敏感的”等词。这些词都可以根据上下文和你想强调的含义来选择使用。
mindmap root((Tide)) Definition The alternate rising and falling of the sea, usually twice in each lunar day at a particular place, due to the attraction of the moon and sun A powerful surge of feeling or trend of events Word Family Derivatives Tidal Tideless Compound Words High tide Low tide Collocations Tide is turning Tide is rising Against the tide Synonyms Current Flow Stream Antonyms Stillness Stagnation Forms Noun(Tide)
例如,如果我说”The tide is coming in.”(潮水正在涨)或者”The tide is going out.”(潮水正在退),这就是在描述潮汐的变化。
“The tide of public opinion is shifting towards environmental protection.”(公众舆论的潮流正在转向环保。)
mindmap root((Practice)) Definition The actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method, as opposed to theories relating to it Repeated exercise in or performance of an activity or skill so as to acquire or maintain proficiency in it Word Family Derivatives Practitioner Practicable Compound Words Practice run Practice match Collocations Practice makes perfect In practice Put into practice Synonyms Exercise Drill Rehearse Antonyms Neglect Ignore Abandon Forms Noun(Practice) Verb(Practice)
practice /ˈpræk.tɪs.ɪz/
practices /ˈpræk.tɪs.ɪz/
“Practice” 在英语中是一个非常常用的单词,它既可以作为名词,也可以作为动词。
作为名词:当 “practice” 作为名词时,它通常表示习惯、例行公事或者熟练通过反复练习获得的技能。例如:
“Piano practice makes perfect.”(弹钢琴的练习使人完美。)
“It’s common practice to shake hands when meeting someone for the first time.”(初次见面握手是常见的做法。)
作为动词:当 “practice” 作为动词时,它通常表示进行实践或者反复练习。例如:
“You need to practice speaking English to become fluent.”(你需要练习说英语才能说得流利。)
“He practices medicine at the local hospital.”(他在当地医院实习医术。)
关于 “practice” 的动词同义词有 “exercise”, “train”, “perform”,等等。其名词形式的同义词有 “habit”, “routine”, “custom”等。
这是对 “practice” 这个单词的一种解释,希望能够帮助你更好地理解和使用它。
句型1:主语 + practice + 动词-ing
解释: 这个句型用于表示某人正在练习某种活动或技能。
I want to practice repetition
He practices playing the guitar every day.
They practice speaking English to improve their communication skills.
I practice writing essays to enhance my writing abilities.
She practices drawing to become a better artist.
We practice singing together for the upcoming concert.
句型2:主语 + practice + 名词
解释: 这个句型用于表示某人正在练习某种具体的活动或技能。
He practices yoga to stay healthy.
She practices piano every evening.
They practice their dance moves for the competition.
We practice our speech for the presentation.
I practice calligraphy to improve my handwriting.
句型3:It takes + 时间 + to practice + 动词-ing
解释: 这个句型用于描述完成某项练习所需的时间。
It takes months to practice playing the violin well.
It takes years to practice mastering a foreign language.
It takes hours to practice preparing for a marathon.
It takes dedication to practice becoming a skilled painter.
It takes patience to practice learning a new instrument.
句型4:主语 + should/must + practice + 动词-ing
解释: 这个句型用于表达建议或必须进行某种练习。
You should practice speaking more confidently.
Students must practice reading aloud to improve pronunciation.
She should practice writing code daily to become proficient.
They must practice teamwork to succeed in the project.
We should practice cooking to prepare for the event.
句型5:主语 + used to + practice + 动词-ing
解释: 这个句型用于描述过去常常进行某种练习的习惯。
He used to practice playing basketball every weekend.
She used to practice singing in a choir.
They used to practice hiking in the mountains.
I used to practice speaking French with my friend.
We used to practice our musical instruments together.
mindmap root((Performance)) Definition The action or process of performing a task or function The action or process of carrying out or accomplishing an action, task, or function Word Family Derivatives Performer Performable Compound Words Performance measurement Performance review Collocations Give a performance Performance of a lifetime Performance appraisal Synonyms Execution Presentation Display Antonyms Inaction Nonperformance Forms Noun(Performance)
mindmap root((Enhance)) Definition Intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of Word Family Derivatives Enhancer Enhancive Compound Words Enhance value Enhance performance Collocations Enhance the quality Enhance the experience Enhance the performance Synonyms Boost Improve Augment Antonyms Diminish Decrease Deteriorate Forms Verb(Enhance)
“Enhance” 是一种动词,主要用于指”提升”,”增强”或”改进”某种特性,质量或价值方面的性能。其使用是广泛的,可以在许多不同的语境中使用。以下是一些例句:
“We can enhance the flavor of the soup by adding some fresh herbs.” (我们可以通过加入一些新鲜香草来增强汤的味道。*)
“She takes night classes to enhance her professional skills.” (她上夜校以提高她的专业技能。)
“Enhance” 的一些近义词包括 “improve”, “amplify”, “boost”, “strengthen”, 和 “heighten”。虽然这些词都含有”提升”或”增强”的含义,但它们之间存在细微的差异,并且使用在特定的语境中。
例如,”amplify” 通常用于指强化声音或信号; “boost” 主要用于暗示提升或增强某种力量或品质; “strengthen” 主要是使某物变得更强大或更坚固; “heighten” 则是使某物增加或加重。
词汇 | 含义 | 例句 |
Enhance | 提升某事物的品质、价值或吸引力 | The software update is designed to enhance user experience. |
Improve | 使某事物变得更好,通常指质量、性能或效率的提升 | Regular exercise can significantly improve your health. |
Amplify | 放大或增加某事物的力度、音量或重要性 | The microphone can amplify even the faintest sounds. |
Boost | 增强或提高某事物的水平、能力或数量,常用于短期效果 | Drinking coffee can give you a quick energy boost. |
Strengthen | 使某事物在体力、能力或结构上更强大 | The new policy aims to strengthen the economy. |
Heighten | 提高或增强某事物的强度、程度或意识 | The suspense in the movie was heightened by the dramatic music. |
Augment | 扩展或增加某事物的规模、数量或影响力 | The company plans to augment its workforce by hiring more employees. |
The word “performance” is a noun in English and it is used in a variety of contexts:
The act of performing a play, concert, or some other form of entertainment. For example,
“She was applauded for her excellent performance in the play.”
How well a person, machine, etc. does a piece of work or an activity. For example,
“The performance of our company has been very strong this year.”
The process of performing an action, task, or function. For example,
“During the performance of his duties, he was very diligent.”
It’s important to note that “performance” can be confused with its homophone “performance”, but they are spelled differently and have different meanings. The word “performance” has no homophones.
Failed: /feɪld/ , Field: /fiːld/ , Felt: /felt/
“He had failed his final exam in the medical field which made him felt really upset.”
Word Explanation
Word: Field
Pronunciation: /fi:ld/
Pronunciation Key:
/f/: “f” is pronounced as /f/, similar to “fox”.
/i:/: “ie” is pronounced as /i:/, similar to “see”.
/ld/: “ld” is pronounced as /ld/, similar to “old”.
There are no prefixes or suffixes in this word.
Example Sentence: “The children are playing in the field.”
Quick Tips to Remember this Word: Think of the phrase “field of dreams” from the popular movie. It refers to a place where dreams can come true, often a physical place like a baseball field.
Word Explanation
Word: Felt
Pronunciation: /fɛlt/
Pronunciation Key:
/f/: “f” is pronounced as /f/, similar to “fox”.
/ɛ/: “e” is pronounced as /ɛ/, similar to “egg”.
/lt/: “lt” is pronounced as /lt/, similar to “melt”.
There are no prefixes or suffixes in this word.
Example Sentence: “He felt a sudden pain in his chest.”
Quick Tips to Remember this Word: Think of the phrase “felt like a ton of bricks,” which means to suddenly and forcefully realize something.
Synonyms/Collocations Explanation
Top Synonyms/Collocations: Experienced, Underwent, Sensed
Experienced: /ɪkˈspɪəriənst/. Example Sentence: “She experienced a sudden rush of fear.”
Underwent: /ˌʌndərˈwɛnt/. Example Sentence: “He underwent a transformation after the incident.”
Sensed: /sɛnst/. Example Sentence: “I sensed a change in her attitude.”
Each of these words can be used to describe the act of feeling or experiencing something, but there are subtle differences. “Experienced” and “underwent” often refer to going through an event or situation, while “sensed” can refer to a more intuitive or less tangible feeling.
Word Explanation
Word: Failed
Pronunciation: /feɪld/
Pronunciation Key:
/f/: “f” is pronounced as /f/, similar to “fox”.
/eɪ/: “ai” is pronounced as /eɪ/, similar to “day”.
/ld/: “led” is pronounced as /ld/, similar to “mold”.
Prefixes and Suffixes: The word “failed” is a past tense of the word “fail”.
Example Sentence: “He failed the test because he didn’t study.”
Quick Tips to Remember this Word: Remember the phrase “fail to succeed”. It means that if someone fails, they don’t succeed.
Get to do something
“Get to do something” 在中文中可以翻译为:
以下是几个例句,展示“get to do something” 的不同用法和相应的中文翻译:
例句 1:有机会做某事
英语: I got to meet the CEO during the conference.
中文: 我在会议期间有机会见到了 CEO。
例句 2:得以做某事
英语: After a long wait, we finally got to see the doctor.
中文: 在长时间的等待之后,我们终于见到了医生。
例句 3:能够做某事
英语: They got to visit the new museum before it opened to the public.
中文: 他们得以在博物馆对公众开放之前参观。
例句 4:开始做某事
英语: After finishing the report, I got to work on the new project.
中文: 完成报告后,我开始着手新项目。
例句 5:体验某事
英语: This summer, I got to try scuba diving for the first time.
中文: 这个夏天,我第一次有机会尝试了潜水。
“Get to do something” 通常用来表达一种积极的、期待的情感。它经常用于描述一种感到幸运或满足的状态,因为有机会做某事或体验某种情况。