I am super excited you guys let me tell you this Is our 19th yearcoming to chicago okay 19 years.
the first time I came here ,I got a chance to to meet some people ,and they says, you know what, gabriel ,have you ever been here? have you ever been to chicago?like, no It’s my first time.
I said, well, you know ,we’d like to take you out to eat If you’re down.
and I’m like, well ,hello.
I am very down.
they took me to a restaurant called portillo’s.
you heard of It?so we get there ,and It was , It was very, very good .
the hot dogs were delicious.
I had a chicken chopped salad.
It was amazing.
I had a beef dip .
really, really good.
but It wasn’t until the meal was almost over that these new friends of mine said , we’d like for you to try something you might not have ever had before ,and I’m like, that’s not likely.
I said ,well ,what is it you want me to try ?and they said, well, they sell a thing here at portillo’s called a chocolate cake shake.
I said, you had me at chocolate .
they said, well, you gotta go to the special window,and you got to order It from the lady.
so I’m like, okay, cool .
so I get up and I walk over to the lady, and she’s like, can I help you? I say ,yes,my friends are telling me that Ineed to try this thing called a chocolate cake shake.
what size would you like ? how goodis It ? you want a large ?all right.
can I please have a large chocolate cake shake? No problem.
And there I pay,and she turns around, she turns around , and she walks over to this little refrigerator that’s on the counter .
and she opens It up,and she pulls out a piece of chocolate cake.
and I’m thinking to myself ,she must’ve misunderstood what I said.
I didn’t ask for a piece of chocolate cake, I asked for a chocolate cake.
shake she must have heard what I was thinking ,because she’s walking by, andshe’s like, It’s gonna happen.
[Applause] she walks over to the blender, she takesthe freaking lid off , and she just looks at me and does this.
and I was like, no!and she’s like ,oh, yeah .
she pours It and she hands me this, like,44 ounce chocolate shake , which Is way more thananybody should be drinking.
the straw was so thick, you could almostspit your thumb In It, okay? so I grabbed the shake, and I begin toattempt to drink It .
so and I can see the shake coming up.
and It hit , and then all of a sudden- wow