为了赶上进度,他主动承担了额外的工作。 |
To catch up with the schedule, he took on extra work voluntarily. |
为了获得晋升,她经常主动承担额外的任务。 |
To get a promotion, she often takes on extra work on her own initiative. |
由于同事离职,我不得不承担额外的工作。 |
Due to a coworker’s resignation, I had to take on extra work. |
因为项目延期,我们不得不加班完成任务。 |
Because of the project delay, we had to take on extra work by working overtime. |
我已经很忙了,实在不能再承担额外的工作了。 |
I’m already very busy, and I really can’t take on any extra work. |
我感觉我总是被要求做额外的工作。 |
I feel like I’m always being asked to take on extra work. |
我们的公司决定与市场上的主要竞争对手展开竞争。 |
Our company has decided to take on a competitor in the major player in the market. |
新的初创公司正在积极争取市场份额。 |
The new startup is aggressively taking on competitors to gain market share. |
这场比赛中,我们将与卫冕冠军交手。 |
In this match, we will take on a competitor who is the defending champion. |
我们的球队有信心击败任何对手。 |
Our team is confident of taking on any competitor. |
这两所大学为了吸引最好的学生而展开竞争。 |
The two universities are taking on each other to attract the best students. |
不同的政治派别为了赢得选举而展开竞争。 |
Different political factions are taking on each other to win the election. |
作为项目经理,他必须承担起整个项目的责任。 |
As the project manager, he has to take on responsibility for the entire project. |
她被提升为部门主管,这意味着她要承担更多的责任。 |
Her promotion to department head means she will take on greater responsibility. |
父母有责任教育孩子。 |
Parents have a responsibility to take on the education of their children. |
作为长子,他必须承担起照顾家庭的责任。 |
As the eldest son, he has to take on responsibility for taking care of the family. |
我们都有责任保护环境。 |
We all have a responsibility to take on the protection of the environment. |
每个公民都有责任遵守法律。 |
Every citizen has a responsibility to take on the law. |
他决定报名参加马拉松,这对他来说是一个很大的挑战。 |
He decided to sign up for a marathon, which was a big challenge for him to take on. |
学习一门新语言对我来说是一个挑战。 |
Learning a new language is a challenge I’m eager to take on. |
她被提拔为经理,这让她有机会承担更多的责任。 |
Her promotion to manager gave her the opportunity to take on a new challenge. |
这个项目非常复杂,但我们团队决定接受这个挑战。 |
The project is very complex, but our team is determined to take on the challenge. |
独自旅行对他来说是一个很大的挑战。 |
Traveling alone was a big challenge for him to take on. |
搬到一个新的城市是一个全新的挑战。 |
Moving to a new city is a whole new challenge to take on. |
委员会决定采纳公众的意见。 |
The committee decided to take on board the public’s views. |
我需要一些时间来消化这些新信息。 |
I need some time to take on board this new information. |
他们很快就理解了这个概念。 |
They were quick to take on board the concept. |
他已经接受了改变的必要性。 |
He has taken on board the need for change. |
公司决定采用新的市场营销策略。 |
The company has decided to take on board a new marketing strategy. |