J.M. Bumsted
著作: A History of the Canadian Peoples
内容: 该书详细讲述了加拿大人民的历史,从早期原住民到现代社会的演变,涵盖了政治、经济和文化等多个方面。
Margaret Atwood
著作: The Handmaid’s Tale(《使女的故事》)
内容: 虽然是小说,但该书深刻反映了加拿大的社会和政治问题,尤其是性别和权力的关系。
Peter C. Newman
著作: The Canadian Establishment
内容: 该书分析了加拿大的政治和经济精英,探讨了他们如何塑造国家的历史和社会结构。
Timothy Brook
著作: Vermeer’s Hat: The Seventeenth Century and the Dawn of the Global World
内容: 这本书虽然主要关注全球历史,但通过对加拿大历史的分析,探讨了早期贸易和文化交流的影响。
Canada: A People’s History by Don Gillmor and Pierre Turgeon
内容: 这本书是对加拿大历史的全面回顾,结合了多种视角和来源,适合对历史感兴趣的读者。
The Inconvenient Indian: A Curious Account of Native People in North America by Thomas King
内容: 该书以幽默的方式探讨了北美原住民的历史和现状,挑战了传统的叙述方式。
The Canadian War on Words: The Politics of Language in Canada by John Ralston Saul
内容: 该书分析了语言在加拿大社会中的重要性,尤其是在多元文化背景下的语言政策。
The History of Canada by Richard Gwyn
内容: 这本书提供了对加拿大历史的深入分析,涵盖了从早期探险到现代国家建设的各个方面。
"The Inconvenient Indian" by Thomas King provides an intelligent and eye-opening account of the history of Indigenous peoples in North America, highlighting the repeated injustices they have faced.
The book explores how indigenous peoples have been portrayed in popular media and the impact it has had on public knowledge of North American Indians.
Despite its sardonic tone, the book offers valuable insights and a hopeful perspective on the future of Indian-white relations in North America.
The Inconvenient Indian is a book by Thomas King that explores the history of Indigenous peoples in North America, their rights, and the portrayal of Native Americans in popular media. The book has been well-received for its intelligence, eye-opening insights, and the author’s wit and storytelling talent. It has been adapted into a documentary film and was nominated for the Canada Reads competition. The film based on the book won Best Canadian Feature Film at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2020.
John Ralston Saul是一位著名的加拿大作家和政治哲学家,以其对个体主义、公民身份和公共利益的深刻见解而闻名。他的许多作品探讨了现代社会的复杂性以及管理主义的局限性。以下是他的一些重要作品:
Voltaire’s Bastards: The Dictatorship of Reason in the West (1992)
The Unconscious Civilization (1995)
The Doubter’s Companion: A Dictionary of Aggressive Common Sense (1995)
Reflections of a Siamese Twin: Canada at the End of the Twentieth Century (1997)
A Fair Country: Telling Truths about Canada (2008)
The Collapse of Globalism and the Reinvention of the World (2005)
The Comeback (2015)
Dark Diversions (2012)