mindmap root((Prearrange)) Definition To arrange or plan something in advance Word Family Derivatives Prearranged Prearranging Compound Words Prearrange a meeting Prearrange details Collocations Prearrange an appointment Prearrange the schedule Prearrange the logistics Synonyms Preplan Predetermine Preorganize Antonyms Improvise Spontaneous Phonetic symbols /ˌpriːəˈreɪndʒ/
To arrange something in advance:
- We prearranged a meeting with our clients for next week.
- The detective prearranged a surveillance operation to catch the suspect.
- The couple prearranged their wedding ceremony and reception months in advance.
- The company prearranged transportation for the delegates to the conference.
- The tour operator prearranged all of the activities for our vacation.
- 我们预定了下周与客户的会面。
- 侦探预先安排了一次监视行动来抓捕嫌疑人。
- 这对夫妇提前几个月预定了他们的婚礼仪式和招待会。
- 公司预先安排了参加会议的代表的交通。
- 旅行社预先安排了我们度假的所有活动。
Additional notes:
- “Prearrange” is often used in situations where it is important to have a firm plan in place in advance. This is because it can be difficult or impossible to make arrangements at the last minute.
- “Prearrange” can also be used to imply that something is official or formal. For example, you might say “I prearranged a meeting with the president” to suggest that the meeting was important and well-planned.
mindmap root((Arrange)) Definition To put things in a neat, attractive, or required order Word Family Derivatives Arrangement Arranged Arranging Arranger Compound Words Arrange a meeting Arrange flowers Collocations Arrange an appointment Arrange for transport Arrange the details Synonyms Organize Set up Plan Antonyms Disorganize Disarrange Root Latin: ad + rangere (to put in order) Phonetic symbols /əˈreɪndʒ/
To organize or plan something:
- I’m arranging a meeting with my boss next week.
- The company is arranging a training program for new employees.
- The travel agent arranged my flight and hotel reservations.
- We’re arranging a surprise party for our friend’s birthday.
- The florist arranged a beautiful bouquet for my wife.
To put something in order:
- I arranged the books on the shelf alphabetically.
- She arranged the flowers in a vase on the table.
- He arranged the furniture in the living room.
- They arranged the chairs in a circle for the meeting.
- The mechanic arranged the tools in his toolbox.
To make something happen or come about:
- I arranged for childcare so I could go to work.
- The bank arranged a loan for me to buy a car.
- The government arranged a ceasefire between the two warring factions.
- The company arranged for transportation for the guests.
- The teacher arranged a field trip for the students.
To settle or resolve something:
- The lawyer is trying to arrange a settlement between the two parties.
- The police are arranging for a translator to interview the witness.
- The manager is arranging for a meeting to discuss the problem.
- The mediator is trying to arrange a compromise between the two sides.
- The diplomat is arranging for a peace treaty to be signed.